Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Map of Filming Locations in UK

Its always great to know where what has been filmed, even might be an inspiration for you to go out and film.  There are so many fantastic locations in the UK!  This map is a beautiful guide to where the film or show is set, and where its actually filmed.  So maybe if your looking for a certain set, and look this might save you time on scouting out your locations.

The link is here. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Filming at Canterbury Cathedral

Yesterday was the second time I went down to the Cathedral to Film with students. It is interesting to see how each student views the space and captures the space. Some are fascinated with the light cast, others the stone work, and others the statues or the tourist. Plus it always helps to have a ton of kit and lenses to pick from.  The staff and the care takers of the Cathedral are very gracious to let us film there and capture the splendours on video!

Students were able to pick from a variety of lens from fish eye, zoom and  35 mm, shoot on some Cannon 7D and 1200D and a Sony Z7 Camera.  It was a great opportunity for them to learn how to use the different kit, and at the same time get a sense of what its like being in the field and the challenges one has when filming on location, like filling up their SD cards!

Next week the students will edit what they filmed, and hopefully they wont mind if I share their work!


Friday, January 29, 2016

Free Form Friday Video Post

A nice little video to kick off the weekend! Challenging what is real, what is created, and playing with perspective, drawing techniques, and video! Hope this inspires you all to be a bit creative on the weekend!
Realista o suficiente?

Ilustrações criadas por Howard Lee que te desafiam a descobrir o que foi desenhado e o que é "real".

Posted by BrasilART on Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sassier Princesses with less to say.

As it turns out Disney may seem like its new female princesses are a positive change then the demure princesses of Snow White and Cinderella and Co., but as it turns out they have less to say!  Disney princesses of the 30's and 40's had more spoken dialogue where as the princesses of current Disney productions get talked over and talked down by their princes.

The Washington Post's article also point out that in modern princess movies there are also more male roles, and think about it, there is even a whole entire film about a female lead not speaking, and falling in love with her for her looks alone. But thats another kettle of fish to fry!

Monday, January 25, 2016

VR takes to Sundance

VR - or Virtual Reality is hitting Sundance Film Festival

As you know I have quite a large interest in VR and its great to hear that its taking off!  It is getting into larger festivals and showcasing some of the incredible possibilities.

There is a large selection of VR projects being shown in the New Frontiers part of the festival. Showcasing different endeavours to work with immersive media, and the immersive environments.

And now that its being showcased at Sundance hopefully it becomes more main stream!

One of the films Defrost puts the viewer inside the body of a woman who was frozen for 30 years and woken up in a sci-fi immersive adventure.  Exploring the boundaries of perspective and perception that is available with this format.

Where as takes audience on a psychedelic music video journey into the world down the rabbit hole.  An explosion of colour and striking images created in partnership with the Royal National Theatre. 
Check out the selection and if you are interested in learning more about VR and immersive media, or want to create an immersive project come speak with me!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Video Projection Inspiration

Check out this great  animation and projection piece, of tiny chefs cooking a meal on top of a table!
A great example of the fun ideas and things you can do with some video and a projector!

Le Petit Chef from Skullmapping on Vimeo.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Awards Season

Its that time of year when the best of the best are picked out, though surprisingly as with every year there are quite a few films overlooked. And the Oscars is once again snubbing diversity in the industry, only white male directors are nominated for best picture and best director.  As well as not nominating a single actor or actress of colour when some fantastic performances were given in Straight  Outta Compton.

The Oscars have only had a female nominee in 2009, when Kathryn Bigelow did win it for the film Hurt Locker.  Female directors have it tough in an industry that says the reason they are not getting the directors chair is the lack of experience, but other unexperienced directors have been given huge blockbusters like Colin Trevorrow who only did one other indie production (Safety Not Guaranteed) before getting the green light to do that and Star Wars IX.  It's so bad that in the industry we have to take pride that female directors produced 2 Blockbusters this year - though they were also films based on a female audience Fifty Shades of Gray and Pitch Perfect 2, as well as the Intern.

I am in no way saying that any of those films deserve an Oscar but it does help the Industry see that these movies success in the box office proves that yes women can make movies that sell as well.  Star Wars the Force Awakens also proved that a movie with a female lead and a minority lead can be the highest grossing film of all time!  But there are some great female directed movies that came out this year, Suffragette directed by Sarah Gavron, seems right that the story of women's rights is told by a female writer and director, they did a great job showcasing the struggle and sacrifices made by suffragettes, its well told and a great historic drama, much better then The Big Short.  Another historic   drama is The 33 directed by Patricia Riggin, that chronicles the harrowing story of the 33 Chilean minners, which has all of the suspense and claustrophobic sense that U-boat and submarine movies capture like Das Boot.

Though there is at least a movie this year nominated for best picture, Brooklyn, which features a female lead and is the story is her story.  Brooklyn is the story of an Irish immigrant who moves to Brooklyn in the 1950's and has to choose between Ireland and her new home. But it is a long shot for the Best Picture award especially going up against academy darlings like Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg in Bridge of Spies, and Matt Damon and Ridley Scott in The Martian.

And I am not saying that the movies nominated don't deserve it, its just that where in an industry where the discrimination is so bad that the ACLU has to take it to court, it is also reflected in its nominations.  As movie makers and artist we should support not just big hollywood productions but up and coming filmmakers and crave a more diverse movie industry that tells all our stories not just that of rich white men. Take a chance and see some of these movies made by female directors and support indie movies!